Dear Rental Property Owner/Manager,
The Housing Choice Voucher Program is just one of many successful HUD programs administered through the Housing Authority of the City of Old Town. As you know, this program provides rental assistance to low income families and the elderly living in rental units in the private rental market in the greater Old Town area. In 2009, the Housing Authority made rental assistance payments of $1,164,101.00 on behalf of the families participating in this program.
Each year the Housing Authority conducts a Rental Market Survey to insure that the Payment Standards being used for the Housing Choice Voucher Program are reasonable and comparable with local market rental costs. Throughout the year, we continuously update information we have on the rental units in our current database and strive to add as many new units as possible. The data we receive from local owner/managers is very important and we invite your participation.
We ask that you please complete a Rental Market Survey form for each rental unit you own or manage in the Housing Authority’s jurisdiction. In addition to Old Town, this jurisdiction includes Orono, Milford, Bradley, Costigan, Stillwater, Greenbush, Greenfield Township, Alton, Argyle and Veazie. All survey questions apply to conditions as they currently exist. A few questionnaires are enclosed; please be sure to contact this office if you need more. We would appreciate receiving these surveys back from you as soon as possible. You may bring or mail them to our offices or return them via email or fax.
Thank you for your valuable assistance. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding this survey or if you would like more information on the Housing Choice Voucher Program .
Catherine LaBree HCV Program Manager